Aventura, with Dominican roots and based in New York, has left an enduring mark on Latin music since its formation in 1994. Led by Anthony "Romeo" Santos, with the distinctive charisma and voice that made him the face of the group, along with Henry Santos Jeter and Lenny Santos, whose unique styles enriched Aventura's sound with captivating musical fusions. Max Santos completed the line-up, contributing his skills as bassist and vocalist. Their meteoric rise was marked with albums such as "We Broke the Rules" (2002) and "God's Project" (2005), consolidating their status as benchmarks of contemporary bachata.
After a break in 2011, the members of Aventura explored individual projects, with Romeo Santos making his mark as a solo artist, while Henry, Lenny and Max also ventured into music on their own. However, Aventura's legacy as one of the most influential groups in the history of modern bachata continues to resonate on the international music scene.